April 5, 2011

Design Gem of the house

Your powder bathroom is the gem of your house.  This is where you are allowed to go a little wild (as far as design goes).  Every guest that enters your house and needs to use the "facilities" will see this amazing space - don't you want them to gossip that you have the sexiest powder bath in the subdivision? Believe me, your neighbors talk...

My inspiration came when flipping through magazines & spotted this picture.  This room shows an elegant & exciting new way to use wallpaper.

This is not grammy's wallpaper treatment is it? I am incorporating the wallpaper my client fell in love with by creating frames around each section using wood moulding.  This "picture frame" effect will definitely   modernize the overall look of the wallpaper treatment.  

I gave the look a little twist with a classically elegant mirror & vanity combo. , especially after the mirror gets aged to match the colors & feel of the vanity.  

** Tip: if you can't find the right color don't be afraid to paint it. You can get the look you want for the price you can afford. A can of paint is cheap and will change the whole look of a piece.

** Tip: thinking about aging a piece of furniture, art or fabric? Try these little tips... 
    1. Watered down paint can give a great effect when applied with either a rag or dry brush

    2. Gel-Stain adds depth to painted and carved pieces when applied and rubbed off with a clean cloth

    3. Coffe or Tea stain fabrics to tone down colors, hide stains or add a shabby-chic touch

    Ta-Da a swanky new powder bathroom thats updated, elegant & fit for royalty.  Prince (king charles spaniel) will feel right at home with the new look. I can't wait till the rooms done & I can show it off!

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