March 30, 2011

(Design) Spit It Out...

Here's the new logo... What do y'all think? will be up and running soon - now you can find all the info you want & need here.  Also follow me on twitter @DesignSpit to get all of the juicy details that go on behind the scenes in the design world.  

I started out in interior design almost 2 years ago with out any experience & let me tell you... it was SCARY!  All I knew was that I wanted into this business & I it didn't matter how I got here.  I pushed & shoved until finally a small design firm agreed to let me come play (as long as I stopped sending emails).  Persistence definitely pays off!

I started out as a Designer's assistant which led to project management & now I am a small project designer! Wow it feels good doing what you love! I'm writing to share ideas, thoughts, projects, trials & tribulations.  I hope y'all enjoy!

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