March 31, 2011

The Black Hole Known As.... IKEA!

Yet again I've been sucked in by the Black Hole  for time known as Ikea! I search and search for the best purchases (& most affordable) for my clients online, in catalogs & in stores - inevitably I end up at Ikea a few times a month.

Not one thing has changed since I was in there last - there aren't any new products i haven't already seen, sat in, or purchased... but somehow I'm sucked in for a minimum of two hours.  I tell myself before I walk in that I'm going to take all of the shortcuts & speed walk past the other patrons... sigh! If I'm not sucked in by something shiny its the smell of mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese & meatballs that I know are lurking in the cafeteria.  Then to top it off they sell all too delicious cinnamon buns right before you walk out the door, as though you haven't eaten or wasted enough time already!

This go round I had a couple returns & needed to buy some new curtains  for an client - sounds simple enough right... 2 hours later I was dazed, confused & hungry.  I need an assistant if not simply to run to ikea but to keep me from gorging myself on meatballs & carbs.

I will update y'all with a picture of the curtains on the walls next week.... stay tuned!

March 30, 2011

(Design) Spit It Out...

Here's the new logo... What do y'all think? will be up and running soon - now you can find all the info you want & need here.  Also follow me on twitter @DesignSpit to get all of the juicy details that go on behind the scenes in the design world.  

I started out in interior design almost 2 years ago with out any experience & let me tell you... it was SCARY!  All I knew was that I wanted into this business & I it didn't matter how I got here.  I pushed & shoved until finally a small design firm agreed to let me come play (as long as I stopped sending emails).  Persistence definitely pays off!

I started out as a Designer's assistant which led to project management & now I am a small project designer! Wow it feels good doing what you love! I'm writing to share ideas, thoughts, projects, trials & tribulations.  I hope y'all enjoy!